Learn what a cat lounge is and how to spend your time.

It all begins with cats and culture.

Cat Haven Lounge runs on the love for cats and cultures. With these two “C”s, we present to you Cat Haven Lounge.


We live in a dog world where man’s best friend is typically at the top of most pet companions. Although we do agree that dogs are amazing, we think cats are just as cool. Often misjudged and misunderstood, cats face mixed views, and we would love to enlighten people about the awesome characteristics of cats through the experience and information that can be found at the cat lounge.

Houston and its cats

Houston has it real bad when it comes to pet overpopulation and homelessness. There are so many other issues that Houston has about the cats roaming in its streets. We would like to lend a helping hand to the community and its supporters and help cats in the best manner possible.


We love cultures and the ability to share our own. Our Korean-inspired cat lounge serves as a home to our cats as well as a look into Korean culture. Whether is the language, music, or Korean-inspired events, we proudly share them with you.

"Our safe haven holds a sense of community for our feline advocates"


Connecting you with us


Are you looking to visit?

Book an appointment online or walk-in.

Walk-ins are not guaranteed for lounge entry.


Looking for a cat?

Come visit our feline friends the lounge and get information on how to adopt and support our mission to saving the cats.


Business Inquiries?

All questions and proposals can be sent to:
